

The NICHE training curricula: Competences and skills for professionals in the ICH sector



The objective of NICHE (Nurturing Intangible Cultural Heritage for Entrepreneurship) is to enhance entrepreneurship in the ICH sector by developing innovative training for the underserved cohort of professionals (and prospective ones) who operate in ICH to promote entrepreneurial initiatives in the sector, enhance its competitiveness and sustain its growth. With this purpose, the consortium has developed NICHE Training that includes training content and materials accompanied by sources and resources. The training materials, content and handouts are user-friendly, learner-centred and short, following the recent trend of micro-training. All the material is now available in five languages (EL, ES, IS, IT, SE), for free, available for everyone.


Please check out our courses, case studies and other resources on: https://www.nicheproject.eu/trainings.php





NICHE, a project co-funded by the European Commission, involves a Consortium of 9 partners from 7 European countries: Iceland, Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Sweden.